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US Meritorious Service Medal

Captain Jordan Kemp has been awarded the US Meritorious Service Medal for her contribution to Operation SHADER.

Deployed as the Support Centre Director for US Special Operations Forces, Task Force Jordan, Captain Kemp, was the principle CS and CSS planning officer for counter-ISIS operations in Southern Syria.

She said: “It was an unforgettable tour and I felt so fortunate to experience planning real-time operations as part of a coalition team of Jordanian, US and Norwegian SOF.”

“I am very grateful to have been formally recognised by the US for my contribution to the Task Force and I would highly recommend this career broadening OCE to anyone looking to be stretched, work hard in a new environment and visit a fascinating region of the world.”

Capt Kemp commissioned into The RLC in 2014 becoming Troop commander at 1 Regt RLC in Germany, where she deployed on Op HERRICK 20. She then became Troop Commander at Army Training Centre Pirbright.

Op SHADER was her first posting as a Captain.

She currently works as a Collection Manager in the Joint Intelligence Operations Centre and will be joining 9 Regt RLC as the Regimental Operations Officer this summer.

The Royal Logistic Corps

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The Royal Logistic Corps

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