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The RLC Association inaugural dinner night

The first RLC Association dinner took place at the Garrison Officers’ Mess, Bicester on Friday 25 March 22. 70+ diners were in attendance across all ranks and the reception and entertainment was provided by a Piper from 10QOGLR, The Waterloo Band and The RLC Corps of Drums by kind permission of Colonel Pat Allen ADC, Colonel RLC. 

The President of the Association Major General Ian Copeland CB welcomed the guests and thanked all the RHQ The RLC staff who had participated in the organisation of the event, particularly the VFCEO Victoria Parkes and Regimental Secretary Lt Col (Ret’d) Steve Yafai. Additionally, he thanked the Bicester Garrison Commander and all the Mess Staff who made the evening such a success. This was the first such event held by the Association and it hopes it will be the first of many opportunities for Association members to catch up with friends old and new.

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