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Esports (also known as electronic sports, e-sports, or eSports) is a form of sporting competition that uses online video games. Originally introduced to the British Army around six months ago, there has been an increasing interest in the sport from the Corps, its serving personnel and veterans.

Within the last three months, soldiers from the Royal Logistic Corps have been working tirelessly to recruit players to represent the Corps in various online gaming competitions. The Corps is currently competing in Inter-Corps level battles, with the idea to progress to Army level – competing in Tri-Service competitions and against civilian communities.

The British Army Lions League is the military online playing field that allows Corps to compete in online games that can also be accessed and watched by the general public. The RLC eSports Club, which has recruited approximately 100 members so far, is open to regular, reserve and veteran soldiers who are able to participate in the following games as part of the Lions League: Call of Duty (COD), Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Valorant, League of Legends, PlayerUnknown’s Battlerounds and Rainbow Six Siege.

In short, the RLC eSports Club is a place for RLC soldiers who enjoy gaming. The club caters for all levels of ‘gamer’ – from the casual player right through to competitive gamers, in any game(s) of their choice. The club’s discord is a growing and friendly community where gamers can meet fellow logisticians with similar interests and arrange friendly matches, discuss gaming experiences and compete for the RLC. It can also be used as an outlet in amongst busy and demanding work lives.

Corporal Jason Pyne, the RLC Corps Team 2IC explained, “RLC eSports hopes to achieve a competitive and community-based environment that reflects the evolving Army of today, exemplifies team cohesion and allows soldiers to meet and share similar interest outside of the work place.”

The league is now in its second season and the RLC’s next game (COD) takes place on 23 July 20 at 1930hrs against the Royal Artillery. For more information on fixtures and results, visit the home of military gaming at

How to get involved

Calling all gamers! Do you want to join the RLC eSports Club and represent the Corps in online gaming? If you would like to get involved, please contact the Corps Team Manager LCpl Thomas at

You can also find the RLC eSports Club on the free mobile app ‘Discord’ using this link HTTPS://

For further information and to follow the RLC eSports Club on social media, use the links below.

Facebook –

Instagram –

Twitter –

The RLC eSports Club also actively streams on its Twitch channel, where you can watch members play their favourite games. You can also find the British Army eSports Twitch at

The Royal Logistic Corps

Twitter feed is not available at the moment.