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RAF Eventing Championships ‘ 23-25 Sep 16

5 RLC rider and horse combinations took part in this major competition which was held over two days at RAF Cranwell, Lincolnshire, as follows:

Maj R Darke (Army HQ) ‘ Disco
Capt G Kemp (HQ Fd Army) ‘ Prince
Sgt S Matthews (LONDIST) ‘ Rose
Cpl LSweeny (167 Regt) ‘ Steele
LCpl D Parker (159 Regt) – Mr Fox


The Friday evening was spent settling the horses into their temporary stables and attending the riders’ briefing, which is essential for this potentially dangerous sport. The format for the event was: Day One, dressage and show jumping followed by cross country on Day Two. There was some great feedback from the dressage judges with Maj R Darke placed 3rd in the Novice 24 class and 4th in the combined training class. The show jumping courses were well designed and great to look at. The entries were large for each of the classes and due to some ‘unlucky poles’ and navigational issues (!) there were, alas, no individual placings in this discipline.

All results carried over to the following day as part of the event and as a result, following fantastic rounds on the cross country course, LCpl D Parker picked up 3rd place in the 95cm Cross Country and 6th in the One Day Event class. Sgt S Matthews achieved a 6th place in 75cm cross-country and 2nd place in the overall One Day Event, which is an outstanding result ‘ well done to her!

This was an enjoyable and challenging event as the photos show, with riders working relentlessly to overcome personal challenges and achieving individual goals as a result. Looking forward, this is great preparation to represent the RLC at the upcoming, (delayed from summer) Royal Tournament.