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Contact the RAOC Association


Further details can be obtained from the:
Controller/Secretary RAOC c/o RHQ The RLC
Building 204, Worthy Down Barracks, Winchester. SO21 2RG Telephone: 01962 887765
Email: or


Family Interest and Third Party Enquiries

The RAOC Association and RLC Association DO NOT hold any military records of past or serving Corps personnel

If you want a copy of a service record you are advised to contact The Army Personnel Centre Historical Disclosures Section, which has access to Army records dating back to the 1922 and can advise the next of kin of deceased former soldiers and officers who have served since 1922 how to access them. More limited information is available to other enquirers if fewer than 25 years have passed since the death of the subject.

Please note that there is not as much detail held on Army personal files as people think. Army files are paper-based records that follow the career of the individual and, in most cases, make little mention of theatres of operation or action seen. An application can take up to 12 months to process.

There is comprehensive guidance on how serving personnel, veterans and the next of kin of deceased Service Personnel can acess their, or their immediate relative’s, records on the Government website. Click the button below.

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