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Born out of Forces Poetry in 2021, the Forces Literary Organisation Worldwide or FLOW for ALL is a charity that helps and supports anyone affected by war (especially PTSD) and other traumatic experiences in their lives; and it helps them share their thoughts with like-minded people online, via its website, through poems, stories, letters, and lyrics. Whilst FLOW was initially focused on the military when it started, it now helps and supports people with all manner of trauma regardless of its origin.

FLOW’s founder, Mac Macdonald (a former WO2 in The Royal Logistic Corps) explains.

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FLOW is a charity that helps one and all.

We focus on helping when mental health falls.

We help the military and all families too,

our veterans and many like me and like you

Sharing poems, stories, letters and lyrics,

we welcome them all on our website (no gimmicks).

You upload your writing; we publish it there,

it’s read and enjoyed with comments so fair.

Spellin and grammer, well, thats up to ewe 🙂.

We don’t change your wording, as we are too few.

We’ll like and add our thoughts and emotions,

and others will comment on what you have spoken.

You can use your real name, in full if you like,

or make up a new one (but clean and polite).

Sign up for free and share what you’ve written,

and we’ll read your work and by it be smitten.

Parents, children, teachers and more,

may write of remembrance of love or The Corps.

All topics are welcome from far and from wide.

Please write with respect and leave hatred aside.

So visit our website and upload some writing.

New or quite old or something exciting.

Share an old letter with love and devotion.

Share with the world to help the heartbroken.

Help us help others who need to share.

Whatever it is that brings them despair.

Be part of our family, support and take part

in our journey of writing, of helping and art.

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Mac Macdonald, the founder of FLOW, wrote this introduction. He joined the army in 1978, leaving The RLC in July 2000. Mac is diagnosed with PTSD, is autistic and started FLOW to help those who are also impacted by PTSD, including those yet to be diagnosed and their families and friends. ❤️