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Corps SM looks ahead to a year of opportunity

The RLC Corps Sergeant Major WO1 Phil Broom has appeared on BFBS Aldershot to talk about his first six months in the position and why there is plenty to look forward to in 2019.

“This year we begin to embark on the next 25 years of the Corps and hopefully that will be full of opportunity for us,” he said.

One of the main focuses for The RLC this year will continue to be recruitment into its trades (see the next issue of the Corps magazine The Sustainer for more on the opportunities each sector presents).

“We have 16 trades at the moment and every one of those trades is accredited to national apprenticeships, some of which we can get up to degree level. There are plenty of opportunities for our soldiers out there which is part of The RLC offer.”

Since The RLC formed 25 years ago it has had a soldier deployed on every operation on every day of the year which he said, is a pretty good accolade for the Corps.

And there will be plenty more on the operations side to look forward to in 2019 including deployment to Cyprus and Public Duties for another one of The RLC’s Regt’s.

In addition, Corps Open Day will take place on 6 July at South Cerney, the new home of 29 Regt RLC. But this year the day will take place separately from the Corps Cocktail Party and Corps Sports Awards, which in themselves will take place as standalone events.

“It’s ramping up to be a year to look forward too with plenty of opportunities for our soldiers and officers,” WO1 Broom said.

Listen to the full interview



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The Royal Logistic Corps

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