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Corps Colonel Christmas message

In his Christmas message this year, Corps Colonel Col Colin Francis called 2018 an impressive year of contribution with the tempo in terms of commitments and responsibilities continuing unabated.

In his address, Col Francis said that Oct 2018 saw Defence’s highest number of personnel committed on operation, exercises or held at high readiness with RLC ops including Op CABRIT in Estonia, Op SHADER in Kuwait and Op TRENTON in South Sudan.

Another stand out operation was the Op MORLOP Salisbury nerve agent poison attack, where 11 EOD Regiment sprang into action ably supported by 4 and 27 Regt.

This year has also seen two of the largest overseas training exercises Defence has held since 2003 – Ex SAIF SEAREEA 3 in Oman and Ex TRIDENT JUNCTURE 18 in Norway.

These have enabled The RLC to showcase its invaluable contribution to Defence.

“We have been at the heart of all of that so it is clear our contribution continues to be impressive,” said Col Francis.

2018 saw The RLC celebrate its 25th anniversary in style at Pirbright with the biggest parade the Corps has held since its formation with The RLC’s Colonel in Chief, HRH, the Princess Royal in attendance.

The year also marked 100 years since the silencing of the guns of WW1, the 100th anniversary of formation of the Royal Army Ordinance Corps and 60th anniversary of the formation of the Queen’s Own Gurkha Logistic Regiment.

It was also an impressive year on the sporting front –  The RLC is now Army champs in 25 disciplines including athletics, rugby, enduro, basketball, netball, hockey, orienteering and tug of war.

This year also marked the 55th anniversary of the Army’s oldest military parachute display team, the Silver Stars.

“As I look forward 2019 promises to be another exciting year for the Corps, one full of opportunity,” said Col Francis.

“It will include Public Duties commitment and a unit deployment to Cyprus for Op TOSCA.”

“But the focus needs to be on the inflow of new soldiers both regular and reserve and we all need to play a part in ensuring success, the vitality of our Corps depends on it.”

Col Francis took the opportunity to wish everyone wherever they are around the world, either on operations, on exercise, on duty, or spending some well earned time off, the very best for the festive season and a happy and prosperous 2019.