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Army Apprentice of the Year 2018 awards

The Army Apprenticeship Apprentice of the Year awards ceremony held at Royal Military Academy Sandhurst saw two RLC representatives awarded for their efforts in Army apprenticeships.

Maj Dean Hammett, previously of SO2 Trg Ops, RHQ The RLC, was runner-up in the Apprenticeship Champion category and LCpl Charlie Phillips (29 Regt RLC) was the Intermediate Level 2 Apprentice award runner up.

Huge honour

Maj Hammett said: “I felt very honoured and humbled to receive the award as this is very much a team effort in delivering The RLC Apprenticeship programme to our soldiers.”

In his role as SO2 Trg Ops for The RLC, Maj Hammett’s has been to ensure that over 10, 500 soldiers have achieved the various trade courses they need to provide specialist logistic support to the Army.

His secondary role has been the delivery of The Army Apprenticeships programme which forms part of the training.

Some of his major achievements in this role have included producing an apprenticeship video for The RLC.

Maj Hammett has also been tasked with reducing the number of current suspensions due to exercise deployments and operations worldwide. Working closely with the Army’s training provider Pearson TQ he has designed workbooks which can be taken with soldiers allowing them to gather evidence of their training while on deployment.

Consequently, suspensions have reduced from over 600 last year to under 300 and is still reducing every month.

Col Colin Francis MBE, Corps Col RLC said: “Major Dean Hammett has been imperious in his support of the RLC Apprenticeship Programme.  He uses his great experience and knowledge, gained throughout his Army career, to excellent effect.”

“His engagement with the military chain of command has ensured success.  The RLC Apprentice offer is extensive offering nine programmes to 1500 soldiers at any one time; the largest by some distance in the Army.”

Shining example

LCpl Charlie Phillips of 29 Regt enrolled on the Army International Trade & Logistics Operations  apprenticeship programme back in 2018.

As a Movement Controller he has most recently been deployed on Ex SAIF SAREEA 3, a combined military training exercise between UK and Omani Armed Forces in Duqm, Oman.

His role has been to lead a small team of Movement Controllers on multiple movement tasks such as controlling the movement of convoys on the road network, unloading ships and moving personnel and freight by air transport.

He said: “Being on this apprenticeship has enabled me to put all that classroom-based knowledge into practice, covering practically every form of movements.”

“Whilst being deployed on Ex SAIF SAREEA 3, I have been able to apply all the skills learned on the NVQ, from completing simple forms to dealing with other agencies whether that be units or customs.”

“By being enrolled onto this apprenticeship it has made the movements trade more enjoyable for myself by making sure I cover nearly every aspect of movements. It has developed me into a better leader and tradesman.”

Lt Col Colin Munce MBE RLC, CO 29 Regt, said: “For the past year, LCpl Phillips has embraced wholeheartedly every aspect of the Army Apprenticeship Scheme.  In doing so he has made a tremendous contribution to the Regiment and has continually showcased the benefits of apprenticeships to his peers and the chain of command.”

“There is no other apprentice in this Regiment who so embodies what it is to be a modern apprentice.  LCpl Phillips deserves formal recognition, not just for his resolute commitment to the Apprentice Scheme, but for reaching a level of professional achievement to which all other apprentices should aspire.”



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The Royal Logistic Corps

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