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Adventurous Training

Developing team and leadership skills in demanding environments

Adventurous Training has taken British soldiers to the summit of Everest and across the polar ice caps. Two members of 1 Regiment RLC have recently sailed across the Atlantic Ocean. Just imagine where a career in the RLC could take you?

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“Sailing the Atlantic was by far the hardest thing I have ever done in my army career; harder than my basic training and harder than Cambrian Patrol.”

Lt Col Bruce Ekman, Commanding Officer 25 Training Regiment RLC

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Latest Adventure Training News & Events

BATUK team overcomes Mt Kenya

BATUK team overcomes Mt Kenya

A team of Gurkhas from BATUK has successfully completed an expedition to scale Mt Kenya, the second-highest mountain in Africa, after Kilimanjaro. Their climb started…

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26 Sep 2024

The RLC Association Trust AGM

The RLC Association Trust Annual General Meeting takes place on Thursday 26th September 2024 at the Defence College of Support Worthy Down. The meeting will…

7 Nov 2024

RAOC Field of Remembrance

Field of Remembrance Westminster Abbey RAOC Field of Remembrance Lunch Union Jack Club Details and bookings through the RAOC Association secretary. Email:

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