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25,000 miles for RLC 25

At the beginning of 2017 WO1 Rob Bierton, the RCMO at 159 Regt decided to set himself a crazy challenge.

He decided to mark the year he would cycle 2017 miles on the WATT bike. So, he dusted off those lycra shorts, found his bike shoes and set himself a little area in the gym to complete this task.

As he neared 2017 miles he thought it was too easy and so he extended it to go to Australia. And when he found that too easy he then went for the distance around the world which equated to 24901.55 miles.

He achieved this in 475 days which averaged an amazing 52.5 miles per day, every day. As it happens, WO1 Bierton can recall what he was doing to prevent him getting on the bike for only eight of those days including Christmas and New Year.

As a proud ex-Pioneer, WO1 Bierton then decided to round these miles up to 25000 miles to celebrate the 25 Years of The RLC which he finally completed on Wed 25 Apr 18.

What WO1 Bierton has achieved is nothing short of amazing and epitomises the drive, determination and selfless commitment the Army values. He is an inspiration to the Regt and the Corps.

After completing this challenge WO1 Bierton was asked how he felt and his response was “I am really happy I have finished it but now I need a new challenge. Any ideas?”

Watch this space!

#WeAreTheRLC #RLC25

The Royal Logistic Corps

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