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2016 Archives

Read news articles published in 2016

Pte Walford, Soldier of the Year, Carmen Awards, RLC

Carmen Awards

Two members of the Corps receive awards from the Worshipful Company of Carmen. The RLC has a long standing association with the Worshipful Company of…

Sports Awards Celebrity Host

With planning for this year’s Corps Open Day well under way we thought it was time to let you know who this year’s celebrity host…

Ex ICE MAIDEN, Ex ICE BAMBI, RLC, Adventurous Training


Congratulations to Pte Beth Grey from 80 Sqn, 29 Regt RLC, who has been selected to take part in Exercise ICE MAIDEN. Exercise ICE MAIDEN…

RLC Ex LOG CHALLENGE, Recruiting, Officer Recruiting


Ex LOG CHALLENGE – The Royal Logistic Corps’ Annual UOTC Weekend 26-28 Feb 16 HQ The RLC has just finished hosting Ex LOG CHALLENGE, which…

RLC Chefs feed Ex Tractable 16

Since the middle of February, a ‘Battalion’ of 34 Army chefs from across the Division have worked 24 hours a day in three shifts, providing…

The Royal Logistic Corps

Twitter feed is not available at the moment.

The Royal Logistic Corps

Happy Commonwealth Day to all RLC personnel from around the world. ... See MoreSee Less
"It doesn't matter where you come from, what your background is, how many mistakes in life you have made; if you want something, you can go after it and you can get it." This #InternationalWomensDay, tap into WO1 Sheridan Lucas MBE and Team Force Atlantic's experience of conquering the world's toughest row across the Atlantic Ocean. ... See MoreSee Less